As human beings we have been conditioned to live within the confines of our five sense. There is an infinite amount of spiritual data available to us but we don’t have the correct instruments to receive them with our limited senses. We see certain rays of light, but many waves exist that we cannot visually see with our current optical nerve's evolution. There are thousands of other pitch frequencies that we cannot hear but yet other animals hear them. Isn’t likely then there are other frequencies, energies, consciousness that is moving through the universe? We believe that if we cannot see, touch, smell, hear or taste something that it doesn't exist.
We can choose to function at a lower primal level of awareness and simply exist or we can tap into new and higher levels of awareness that allows us to transcend our environment and literally create a world of magic. There are no limits to what we can create and all that limits us is a byproduct of what we have learned to think we can’t do or that have to be proven scientifically with our limited measuring devices.
Take inventory of what you believe to be impossible in your physical accomplishments, relationships, health or finances and at the very least, even if it is ‘make believe’ in the beginning, change every impossible scenario in your mind to a possibility and see yourself having and fully living those experiences. Accept no limits in your mind and think of yourself as a manifestation of a higher power that has access to all things infinite because that is your source. We are indeed limitless beings.
Through yoga and meditation we can temporarily break the chain of the mundane that which is of the earth, and connect to universal consciousness and temporarily perceive a taste of the infinite. Within us there is an infinite capacity that has a connection to all things. Go beyond logic… New limitless thoughts will ultimately lead you to new miraculous realities.