MAYDAY // The Amazon is the world’s largest and most diverse tract of rainforest, with millions of species and billions of trees. It stores vast amounts of planet-warming carbon dioxide and produces a large percentage of the planet’s oxygen. It is known as the LUNGS OF THE PLANET.

So the fact that Amazonian fires which have been blazing for weeks have had very little coverage, seem like a potent symbol of humanity’s indifference to environmental disorder, including climate change.

The important fact here is that these fires were not accidental. They were intentional and ignited by the government as a deforestation technique. And while they largely affect land already cleared for ranching and farming, they can and do spread into old-growth forest. So far more than 1,330 square miles of the Amazon rainforest have been lost since January, a 39 percent increase over the same period last year. THE AMAZON CAN’T BE RECOVERED WHEN IT IS GONE. And it is on the brink of extinction at the rate it is being burned.

Let that sink in!

If you want to do something about this, the number one thing you can do is to dramatically reduce or preferably stop eating animal products in particular beef. Brazil is the largest provider of beef products across the world and the economics of this have risen to a point of greed and corruption without regard to future generations or the planet’s delicate ecosystem.

I tell my clients this fact on a regular basis; We DO NOT need animal products to live healthy and vital lives. On the contrary, animal products are the cause so much disease including heart attacks, and cancers. The protein intake requirements are an absolute myth and fabrication. We do not need 100 + grams of protein per day. Here is your mind blowing fact of the day: In order to receive 50 grams of fully assimilated protein per day, you do indeed need to eat 100 grams of animal protein because your body CAN’T DIGEST it fully. However, 50 grams of plant derived protein is almost fully assimilated as digested by your body!!! Boom 💥

Eating meat is no longer sustainable for the planet. We evolve, shift and adapt. Trust that your body can thrive on the gifts of Mother Earth and heed the call to save your home. At the very least reduce your consumption. Adopt meatless Mondays or reduce your intake to once a day. If you still think you need meat for building muscles and a strong physique let’s remember that elephants, gorillas, giraffes and hippos are actually plant based animals.

Let that sink in ...

Saving the planet starts with you. If you eat animals products know that I’m not judging you. My intent is bring awareness into your field of vision and allow you to consider other perspectives that are not as popular because they don’t have billions of dollars of marketing behind them. See the unseen. Be the voice for the voiceless. Your choices make a difference on our future. Be the change. I love you. 💜
