Today is a beautiful day to remember our own infinity and greatness.Our soul is immortal and never dies thus we can release the fears that bind us down in these physical vessels. Fears that keep us small, or act up in ways that keep us from rising to our full potential.

In the last couple of days with the portals of Passover, Buddhist new year and Easter we’ve had many ascended masters such as Moses, Buddha and Jesus that have wanted to come through for our ascension simultaneously.

They each have their gifts and messages that share with us but collectively they simply share of unconditional love, compassion and unity which are the highest universal laws and the keys to our happiness and ascension. 

Ascended Masters are simply enlightened being who walked this earth as a humans just like us at one point. Through their own hard work, they cleared all of their karma and transcended the cycle of rebirth. They are now on standby waiting to share their profound wisdom on all aspects of life if we choose to invoke them.

Ascended masters are not asking to be worshipped or for us to think they are better than us in any way. They are merely serving as mirror image of ourselves to see the capacity of what we can achieve as our exalted selves. Their message is “What one can do, all can do.”

These ascended masters illumine and show the way. Their radiance opens the portals between the human and the divine. Through their light we can access higher realms of dimensional awareness and being.

Their greatest gift is their presence, words, light, and fire they import on us. They are here to help us fulfill our divine plan and meet the requirements for ascension so we too have an opportunity to ascend back and merge back with source.

Ascended MasterJesus works with the energies of unconditional love for all beings, joy, forgiveness and devotion to higher self.  Take some time today and invoke him into your life and ask assistance in opening your heart, releasing fear, anger, finding forgiveness and paving the for true compassion to blossom. When you see the god in all, you have mastered the most important spiritual law; unity.

Sat Nam 💫
