A new age is upon us… 

A new year is about to start… 

As we embark on this new timeline, I know we are all ready for a fresh start. We've gone through so much this year.  

Together and apart...

It's been a year filled with uncertainty, loss, much change but also lots of grace.   

We've done so much personal work, went deep to face our shadows, grew individually and collectively, and hopefully learned the lesson of surrender because that was the big theme for 2020. 

As we collectively look forward to a brand new beginning with the start of a new year and all the intentions we are going to set for this new beginning, it is also important to honor all that we’ve accomplished this year.  

No matter how small the steps, we made it through 2020. WOW!  

This was the hardest year for many and we didn’t crumble, we didn’t give up, we didn’t lose hope no matter what life threw at us. We kept our connections despite distance, we worked hard to keep our jobs, families and life intact with all the obstacles in our way… we persevered!  

That is the biggest testament of our human spirit. Collectively we all did this. Yes it was difficult but we made it through. And no matter what may still be in store, if we made it through this time, we can make it through anything.  

As we shift into these new timelines, we will continue to face uncertain grounds. New Earth and the New Age is being built brick by brick and it will take time for us to see and truly feel the shifts in our personal lives.  Much has to be dismantled before we can truly step into paradise on Earth. It is coming… it is promised… it is your birthright.  

Instead of scrambling to set intentions for stability, permanence, lasting pleasure and security, can we embrace uncertainty and change a little longer? Can we surrender our will to the divine? Can we continue to trust? Can we continue to preserve a little longer?  

Every year we start off with all that we want to accomplish and become… to create security and permanence and feel important in some way… One of our biggest needs is often certainty but this need can also keep us from living a more satisfying life in the midst of a world that is inherently impermanent.  

This coming year, can we honor exactly where we are, as we are and take pride for all that we’ve done?  

Is it possible to increase our tolerance for instability and change?  

For now, can we slow down even more and simply start with a new breath?  

You’ve done so much beloved. You are enough. You are love. You are unconditionally loved! 
