
On my eight month journey with my beloved teacher, I have traveled through many lifetimes, existences and the vast landscapes of my consciousness. 

In moments of becoming one with the Infinite, I was reminded by her of the truth of my spirit that was once both a soldier and a saint, walking the path of a peaceful warrior. With angels in the wings and without a fear in my heart, I charged ahead in the battlefield side by side with her.  

Today, as a Kundalini Yoga teacher and part of this beautiful Golden Chain, I take solace knowing a part of me has always been fearless and brave under all circumstances and has persevered victoriously amidst difficulties. This knowing is a priceless gift that can't be unknown and is now a catalyst to build new stamina that will enable me to keep up with life, duties and responsibilities while never forgetting my mission to help uplift all whom I encounter and the down-trodden. It is only in that uplifting during my own struggles that I have another chance at liberation.  

Today I merge and fly high with the spirit of many warrior pasts flying and flowing through me. I am grateful for the teachings, my teachers, my life experiences and all the beautiful souls that have supported me in becoming the person I was always meant to be.