I was listening to Tony Robbins the other day and he was discussing happiness and why it evades so many of us and these words so resonated with me; "It is never about you!" One of the biggest impediments to living happy fulfilled lives is our tenacious hold on our expectations of how others should behave towards us. The expectation that people around us should act, feel, think, speak the way you have predetermined they “should” is guaranteed to bring us pain. As human beings we all have different values, beliefs, fears and needs. We are all at different evolutionary stages in our lives and even the most loving and kind person can be perceived as insensitive or mean spirited when we look at them through our personal filtered lens of how they "should" be.
We just need to start trusting that people are doing the best they can with the resources that they have available to them at this particular juncture in their lives. Pray for them and keep sending them love and connect to the unconditional source we all stem from. Know that it truly never is about you and it is always about their own process and journey. You just happen to be in their story and vice versa. There is always something to be learned and of value to every experience we have no matter how negative it may seem in the moment. Switching from expectation to gratitude and surrendering to the knowing that this too is a gift is the key to liberating yourself from the unending cycle of disappointment we may feel towards the people we love.
To fully connect to bliss we can take this a step further and connect to forgiveness as it truly liberates the soul. Studies after studies show that forgiveness is the key to happiness and actually changes the biochemical physiology of our bodies as well. When you let go of resentments and expectations you can actually start losing weight believe it or not. Often we are literally carrying around hurt as weight. So what are you willing to forgive today without being asked to or without being given an apology for?