If you are reading this then you are part of the first wave of ascension leading the way for the rest of world to higher realms of existence. The planet is undergoing a rapid transformation of consciousness. So if your life has been tumultuous in the past few months & you don’t know why, it is because you are going through radical shifts so that you can embody a higher frequency that helps lead the rest of the world home. On September 27th, 2015 this first wave is leading humanity into a new era of consciousness where it is not so focused on the duality but where we are led back to oneness.
All of these seeming “disasters” are clearing karma & old ways of being since the first cycle of Blood Moons. It has been predicted by many intuitives that the frequency of the planet will rise about 2-3 Hz, bringing about huge shifts in awareness, consciousness and intuitive energies for everyone who has done the work to encompass this extra wave of energy.
Life is about living at full capacity & here is our chance. Every time you blink you are on a different time plane. On that date when you blink you will be on another higher dimension. For those on the path of awakening, this will be smoother as they will be able to use this additional energy to enhance their vibrations & understanding of the universal consciousness. For others yet to awaken, this time will surely serve as a portal for rapid ascension.
As the first wave, we are to support others go through these times with more ease & gentleness. How are you willing to roll up your spiritual sleeves & serve? Stay on purpose... Know that you are here to serve. If you get off course, simply ask, “How may I serve in this situation?” and listen quietly for the solution. You will be guided. To prepare yourself physically for ascension practice yoga, meditation, chanting, stay in service & devotion, take care of your body by eating clean & pure.