
During this Solar Eclipse and New Moon if we courageously open our hearts and choose love despite our fears, we will be rewarded with more opportunities to give and receive love. Eclipses affect the earth’s electromagnetic field which has an effect on everything including human beings. They are planetary upgrades that force us into new paradigms and higher frequencies so we can connect to our true source. You can go through it kicking and screaming because eclipses can be emotional and shocking to the system or you can do the work to raise your frequency along with the celestial shifts.

I’ve been feeling the eclipse quite intensely these past couple of days already so I’ve entrenched myself deep in my practice of yoga, meditation and spending a great deal of time releasing through the heart center with heavy breath work. If we work with the energies of the eclipses, we can have profound healing to move through our emotional injuries, nourishing the unloved aspects of ourselves and embracing forgiveness, compassion and love for others and ourselves.

The highly intuitive and emotional New Moon in Pisces and eclipse together will work to help us let go of old trauma and painful wounds and reminding us to release control, breathe deeply and have faith that the universe will guide us through these turbulent waters. All you have to do is surrender and be an empty vessel so that you can be filled up with the new shower of loving energy coming through. Once we are attuned to the universe’s healing loving energy, we will only be a magnet for others that are on the same frequency as us. New Moon and eclipse blessings to all. 🌙✨🌔



When I sit in my practice and root myself onto the beautiful earth that sustains me, I am grateful for the chance to slow down and dive deep within. I listen to my heart beat, feel the air in my lungs, the blood running through my veins, and contemplate the truth in the spaces between my breaths. I acknowledge my fears, worries, doubts and remind myself that I am part of the creator thus beyond limits and connect back to my source and all of creation.  I take inventory of the day, my triumphs and failures, the moments that brought me pride, joy, happiness and even sadness. I sit with them all in gratitude for I know that I chose this life, this body, this story and every moment is grace. With every breath I am thankful for the gift of life and to live in a healthy body that I am able to use as a vehicle for enlightenment remembering that I chose to forget my ultimate powers in order to play this game of life. I am limited only by my mind and I chose to remember. ✨ Sat Nam



There are some meditations that relax you, others that entrance you, while some completely transport you to other realms and allow you to make quantum shifts in your life. I've been practicing the Sudarshan Chakra meditation for some time now and the effects have been nothing short of magic.

Whenever you want to manifest anything in your life do this meditation! It's powerful and it works! Why? Because you are taking a sacred #mantra, moving it through your heart center, which has the power of 108 suns, with powerful sound frequency and going up into the angelic realms communicating your heartfelt desires and then back into your heart center visualizing it as manifested ✨Boom ✨ Does it get more magical?

Start with 11 minutes a day and see the #magic unfold in your life for yourself.


“Aap Sahaaee Hoaa…"

mentally see the #soundcurrent flowing from your back heart and going over your head

“Sachay Daa Sachaa Dhoaa…”

see the current expanding up to the angelic realm and asking for your heart's desires

“Har Har Har”

Bring the energy from the infinite down into your heart center beaming the heart with your vision visualized 💖


For added measure, I loop White Sun's version of Aap Sahaae Hoa as it is beyond alchemy. Gurujas' angelic voice literally summons the celestial realms and makes the journey timeless. I own thousands of songs and nothing has touched my soul as deep as this album. It is no doubt engineered to transmit light codes meant to awaken dormant aspects of your DNA and consciousness to align you with the highest vibrational frequencies on the planet ✨ No wonder it is topping billboard charts at #2 right now. 🙌 Download and be transformed.  ✨

For full meditation notes and instructions email me and I'll forward. 🙏 Wahe Guru ✨




Of all my possessions, these babies are the most prized. My healings are so much more powerful because of them and they remain a favorite of all of my clients.

The Universe is made up of vibrations and therefore sound is one of the most potent tools to heal the body, mind, and spirit. The sound from the quartz crystal singing bowls is a 'pure' sound resembling the once silent universe. One really has to experience in person to feel the majestic, uplifting, and peaceful effects of these bowls. The sound that surges from these crystal bowls emit a pure holographic design template of glowing sound that literally create a stairway to divinity.

The magic of crystal bowls is not solely on how they sound. It's the "vibration" of the bowls that produces most of its healing effects. Even if a person is completely deaf the crystalline vibrations of the bowls still enters their entire energetic structure and cell structure and aligns them with the energy of clear quartz.

The energy of clear quartz is one of clearing and energizing. It heals by clearing out blocked energy that is stuck in a person's energetic structure by loosening up stagnant energy so that it can rejoin the energy flow. But it can also act as a transmitter by the healer’s prayers and intentions for the healing. ✨ Pure magic. ✨



It all starts with energy. Your arms, the tree, the chair you are sitting on, your mind, your money... It’s all just energy manifesting in different forms that is fluid and changing. Our cells completely change every week and our molecules are in a constant state of flux and none of them are actually touching the other yet we perceive ourselves as solid. We are actually 1% matter and 99% energy and because optically we can't see, touch or “physically” touch energy we focus on the matter. The energy space is actually where all the magic happens.

Energy cannot be created or destroyed but the good news is it can be changed, transformed and experienced as you desire. For example, scarcity and lack is another form of energy but it can also be transformed to abundance and prosperity. So everything is energy and therefore our levels of success and happiness is highly correlated to understanding and utilizing not only our physical but also our unique energetic gifts to realize our full potential as spiritual beings.

In my heart centered healings for my clients I move the energy and provide a clearing in blocked centers and create a steady stream of energy flow so that they can access their powers. We all have many layers that have created short circuits in our energy bodies and it is not an overnight fix but working through the layers and chipping at them consciously to whatever degree is for our highest good at the moment, is a first step in accessing our full gift repertoire. Conversely, when I teach Kundalini Yoga to my clients, I guide them in moving the energy themselves and give them access to many meditations, breathing techniques and kriyas that help free stuck energy within their bodies and access their infinity. I like to think of energy healings as me cooking a gourmet meal for my clients and Kundalini Yoga classes as teaching them how to become gourmet chefs. A combination of energy healings and Kundalini yoga sessions is an optimal way to clear stuck energy and learn to access the infinite flow that is available for all of us to create abundance, happiness, health and harmonious relationships. ✨✨✨