
The New Moon in Gemini happens to be the strongest super moon of the year, therefore it holds a great deal power for positive change and transformation in our lives. It's aim is to guide us to specifically focus on our thoughts and how we have been communicating to ourselves, to others and to the world.

Every thought, positive or negative, has the power to manifest in our lives. As soon as a thought is sent out into the field it has a live vibrational energy that is set into motion. Our negative self talk or ruminations also have the same properties creating self fulfilling procephies that we did not intend to manifest.

Mastering the negative mind and connecting to neutrality is the key to happiness and abundance and the mastery of life. During this powerful and fertile time of the moon, I find it helpful to reprogram the mind with mantras and meditations to clear the subconsicous of negative thought flow and sow seeds of positive and life affirming energies.

A powerful mantra to chant is Ong Sohung which affirms that you are one with all that is and connects you back to your powers. The negative mind has a strong sense of longing to belong, and this manra will help soothe and create a deep connected relationship. It is the mantra of belonging. My favorite version is by Snatam Kaur.

Additinally for an easy and super clearing meditation to conquer the negative mind check out the meditation below given by Yogi Bhajan:



Sit in easy cross-legged pose. Make a cup with your two hands with palms facing up. The right hand will be resting on top of the left and the fingers will cross over each other. Bring this open cup at the level of the heart center. Elbows will be relaxed at your side and eyes slightly open looking down into the hands.

Inhale deeply in long steady stroke though the nostril and exhale through rounded lips through the mouth. You should feel your breath go over the hands. Allow any negative thought, rumination or obssession that is persistently distracting to come to your mind as you breathe. Consciously see the thought forms being released as you exhale.

Continue for 11 to 31 minutes. At the end, inhale deep, then exhale completely and suspend the breath out as you lock in the navel point. Tighten your fully body for a few seconds and then powerfully exhale. Repeat this last step 3 times.

Feel free to contact me with any questions.

New Moon blessings to all 🌙💖✨🙏



This new moon in Taurus will help us all slow down a bit more, get grounded and breathe. There are lots of retrogrades still in the skies and they are there to pull back the reigns when we collectively skip over some lessons without fully understanding their purpose. This is the time to be more reflective and methodical in your life and re-examining the past to fully learn the lessons and healing. ✨

Taurus energy is slow and planning to create more security and stability for the long haul. Don't rush into any decisions, plans or try to hurry to the finish line. The celestial energies are urging us to find roots instead of wings in these weeks ahead. The past is coming up to be reexamined, forgiven, healed and put behind you. Take the time to close the chapters that no longer belong in your life so that you can have a fresh start with the new moon energy. A great ceremony to have around this time is to write down and burn all that you would like to give to the universe to absolve for you specifically energetic cords that bind us to past relationships. ✨

We form energetic cords that keep us connected to all of our past relationships especially the ones that were traumatic. The cords can still remain in our heart centers keeping us bound to lower vibrations of fear, betrayal and abandonment that we carry into our subsequent relationships and thus unknowingly continuing the cycle. Tonight create a scared space for yourself, call in your guides and angels (Archangel Michael is a great one to call in for this ceremony) and simply write down "I now cut and release all cords that bind me psychically, emotionally, or energetically to (name of person)". Then burn the piece of paper under the dark moon. It helps to visualize the cords being cut by physically moving your arms cutting the cords in front of your energy centers focusing on heart, throat, naval and sacral centers primarily. ✨

Please note, simply cutting cords is not enough without also being aware of the emotional pattern contained within the cord. So take the time to fully understand it, replace it with the energetic vibrations of unconditional love, light and compassion. Whenever we release something we need to fill the space with something positive in order to not be corded again by different people.  May this new moon pave the way for new blessings, clear hearts and loving relationships 💖✨🙏🌸



During this Solar Eclipse and New Moon if we courageously open our hearts and choose love despite our fears, we will be rewarded with more opportunities to give and receive love. Eclipses affect the earth’s electromagnetic field which has an effect on everything including human beings. They are planetary upgrades that force us into new paradigms and higher frequencies so we can connect to our true source. You can go through it kicking and screaming because eclipses can be emotional and shocking to the system or you can do the work to raise your frequency along with the celestial shifts.

I’ve been feeling the eclipse quite intensely these past couple of days already so I’ve entrenched myself deep in my practice of yoga, meditation and spending a great deal of time releasing through the heart center with heavy breath work. If we work with the energies of the eclipses, we can have profound healing to move through our emotional injuries, nourishing the unloved aspects of ourselves and embracing forgiveness, compassion and love for others and ourselves.

The highly intuitive and emotional New Moon in Pisces and eclipse together will work to help us let go of old trauma and painful wounds and reminding us to release control, breathe deeply and have faith that the universe will guide us through these turbulent waters. All you have to do is surrender and be an empty vessel so that you can be filled up with the new shower of loving energy coming through. Once we are attuned to the universe’s healing loving energy, we will only be a magnet for others that are on the same frequency as us. New Moon and eclipse blessings to all. 🌙✨🌔



This friendly Aquarius New Moon will be bringing up issues around humanity, community and how we can come together in a revolutionary way to bring peace and unity back into our collective consciousness. To heal the world, we must start with ourselves first. During this new moon 🌙 bring your intentions towards creating deep peace within yourself. Take responsibility for your feelings and neutralize your negative emotions so you can have the power to mobilize for the upcoming revolution in the months ahead with a clear mind and heart. We are just being shown by the planets where the injustices may lie and uncovering the truths.Observe, process, heal and intend to combat and resist as a peaceful warrior.

This energy is further supported by the year Fire Rooster starting tomorrow which is the year of awakening. The Rooster literally sings the morning "wake up" call to all other animals. Expect a much needed awakening for all of those that are set to remember their full potential as infinite divine beings.

This is not a time to sit back idly and let life happen to you. This is the time to intend to be the change and plant seeds of a transformative future for humanity that is inclusive, loving, and full of grace. ✨🙏🌙 



The energy surrounding this Capricorn New Moon, will have most us feeling introspective and reflective about what we have gone through in 2016 and everything that needs to come up for healing once and for all will surface. If you’ve felt like a hermit and wanting to hibernate, you are indeed in tune with the moon’s tides as it beckons us to go inward, retreat and reflect in order to push forward in the weeks ahead.

Many of us have had to face outdated foundations and relationships dissolve but the energy of this new moon will give us the time and space to rethink a more suitable future that is more in line with our spiritual growth and highest destiny.

Capricorn energy is very pragmatic and thoughtful so planning and organizing your routines, goals and ambitions in a practical way that lays the foundation for successful years to come will be supported. With Mercury in retrograde, it is not advised to necessarily start something new but to really take this time to review and reset your vision. Continue to shed that which no longer serves you so you don't take into the new year and create space for the new that awaits.

2016 was about learning to let go and ending things that no longer serve our highest good. If you want a fresh start for 2017 as I know many do, this new moon will grant you that wish. So take time right after the New Moon tonight to think up the future you would like to summon. Really imagine who you would like to have walk side by side with you, what do you see yourself doing, where do you see yourself living and what adventures you would like to partake in…

The last New Moon of the year promises a great deal of magical powers to help shift your destiny in the right direction! Wishing you all new moon blessings! 🌙✨