Today is a beautiful day to remember our own infinity and greatness.Our soul is immortal and never dies thus we can release the fears that bind us down in these physical vessels. Fears that keep us small, or act up in ways that keep us from rising to our full potential.

In the last couple of days with the portals of Passover, Buddhist new year and Easter we’ve had many ascended masters such as Moses, Buddha and Jesus that have wanted to come through for our ascension simultaneously.

They each have their gifts and messages that share with us but collectively they simply share of unconditional love, compassion and unity which are the highest universal laws and the keys to our happiness and ascension. 

Ascended Masters are simply enlightened being who walked this earth as a humans just like us at one point. Through their own hard work, they cleared all of their karma and transcended the cycle of rebirth. They are now on standby waiting to share their profound wisdom on all aspects of life if we choose to invoke them.

Ascended masters are not asking to be worshipped or for us to think they are better than us in any way. They are merely serving as mirror image of ourselves to see the capacity of what we can achieve as our exalted selves. Their message is “What one can do, all can do.”

These ascended masters illumine and show the way. Their radiance opens the portals between the human and the divine. Through their light we can access higher realms of dimensional awareness and being.

Their greatest gift is their presence, words, light, and fire they import on us. They are here to help us fulfill our divine plan and meet the requirements for ascension so we too have an opportunity to ascend back and merge back with source.

Ascended MasterJesus works with the energies of unconditional love for all beings, joy, forgiveness and devotion to higher self.  Take some time today and invoke him into your life and ask assistance in opening your heart, releasing fear, anger, finding forgiveness and paving the for true compassion to blossom. When you see the god in all, you have mastered the most important spiritual law; unity.

Sat Nam 💫




During this Solar Eclipse and New Moon if we courageously open our hearts and choose love despite our fears, we will be rewarded with more opportunities to give and receive love. Eclipses affect the earth’s electromagnetic field which has an effect on everything including human beings. They are planetary upgrades that force us into new paradigms and higher frequencies so we can connect to our true source. You can go through it kicking and screaming because eclipses can be emotional and shocking to the system or you can do the work to raise your frequency along with the celestial shifts.

I’ve been feeling the eclipse quite intensely these past couple of days already so I’ve entrenched myself deep in my practice of yoga, meditation and spending a great deal of time releasing through the heart center with heavy breath work. If we work with the energies of the eclipses, we can have profound healing to move through our emotional injuries, nourishing the unloved aspects of ourselves and embracing forgiveness, compassion and love for others and ourselves.

The highly intuitive and emotional New Moon in Pisces and eclipse together will work to help us let go of old trauma and painful wounds and reminding us to release control, breathe deeply and have faith that the universe will guide us through these turbulent waters. All you have to do is surrender and be an empty vessel so that you can be filled up with the new shower of loving energy coming through. Once we are attuned to the universe’s healing loving energy, we will only be a magnet for others that are on the same frequency as us. New Moon and eclipse blessings to all. 🌙✨🌔



The essence of Sat Nam means “truth is my name or truth is my identity” and as a greeting it means “I recognize the divinity within you”. The ultimate truth is not something that can be put into words but is the real heart of who we are as mystical human beings. Our true nature is our divinity and saintliness.  We come from source and are part of source, therefore we are infinitely powerful, limitless and are part of the same cloth.

When we vibrate the sound Sat Nam from the root of our spines through the crown and into the auric field, we are tuning to the sound of the universe and our true essence. The vibration of “Sat” reaches upward the crown into the ethers pulling the vibration of infinity into our awareness, and “Nam” pulls down to the mother earth which creates a manifesting vibration. When the two are connected with this mantra, a direct line runs through the center of the body from the heavens all the way down to middle earth acknowledging the infinite made into manifest.

By chanting or meditating deeply on this mantra you bring into your awareness the truth of  your essence which is part of the creator and can manifest anything that you dream of. Above all it connects you to all other beings on all dimensions creating a sense of oneness. Today more than ever it is important to dissolve the barriers of race, religion, gender and political division. This mantra will work to heal the divides. Don't worry about others. Do the work on you and it will heal the heart of the rest of the world. We are all One and One with the Divine. Enlightenment is knowing this truth.

 “If it is not written in your destiny to be with God and to know higher consciousness, this mantra will engrave it in your destiny.” ~ Yogi Bhajan



When I sit in my practice and root myself onto the beautiful earth that sustains me, I am grateful for the chance to slow down and dive deep within. I listen to my heart beat, feel the air in my lungs, the blood running through my veins, and contemplate the truth in the spaces between my breaths. I acknowledge my fears, worries, doubts and remind myself that I am part of the creator thus beyond limits and connect back to my source and all of creation.  I take inventory of the day, my triumphs and failures, the moments that brought me pride, joy, happiness and even sadness. I sit with them all in gratitude for I know that I chose this life, this body, this story and every moment is grace. With every breath I am thankful for the gift of life and to live in a healthy body that I am able to use as a vehicle for enlightenment remembering that I chose to forget my ultimate powers in order to play this game of life. I am limited only by my mind and I chose to remember. ✨ Sat Nam



Today I write this on a more sober note, having had the night and full day to process my earthly emotions. I wonder how many of us went to bed with fear in our hearts. I wonder how many of us woke up in disbelief. I wonder how many of us drove to work crying like I did.  We stood up to protect values that we cherished such as love, hope, unity, decency, compassion, fairness and tolerance. We stood up to protect our planet and all that is precious to us. It is a mourning process we are all going through and we must make time for that in the most positive way possible by continuing to be the decent people that we are hoping to see on the planet. To be the change we are hoping to seek. To love all and especially those we can’t imagine to love in this moment. To shine light where there is darkness and be the light.

As I struggle with my own earthly emotions battling lower energies of fear and despair I see where my work lies.  Know that all of this has come up to be healed. If Hillary had won we would've gone along believing that we had worked through our racism, sexism, & bigotry and that we were truly moving forward in our evolution. This is a wakeup call for all of us. We need to see the cancer to heal it. We have been given a diagnosis. But it is this awareness that allows us to fight back & not sit in apathy.

When you feel despair remember that 250 million Americans did NOT vote for him. Out of those that did, most were scared for their own needs & others bought into the promises because they couldn’t wait for change. This leaves a small minority that may indeed connect to his divisive and hateful values. He is one cancer cell & while there may be more as a result of this situation, when we look at the larger collective whole that is good, know that TOGETHER we have the power to shift our reality back in the direction of love and true healing. Together we are stronger. How can we unite & come together as people that have love and truth in our hearts and continue our evolution as human beings? Where do we have to be more active? Who do we have to continue to protect? Whose voice do we need to be? Where can give more love? Love is always the answer.