
What can this long Ek Ong Kar do for you? It can give you all knowledge, which exists in all the universes. When you chant this mantra it will up your command center, the third eye. Then it will open the solar plexus, which in turn will charge the solar centers - they will get connected with the Cosmic Energy and thus man will be liberated from the time cycle of Karma. Those who will meditate on this Mantra in silence will charge their solar centers and be one with the Divine.

"Do it. Test this mantra; it will work. I can assure you. Recite these vibrations into a glass of water if you want to help somebody, and give it to him to drink. It will work. He will work, He whose mantra this is. You are only a channel for it. I disclose to you today this secret of the Divine for the uplift of humanity. Those who will follow it will be liberated and be one with the Divine." ~ Yogi Bhajan

Starting my 40 day challenge with 7 minutes a day today. Who else is in with me? Email me for full meditation instructions if you would like to join.



We are all thankful to our Mother, the Earth, for she gives us all that we need for life. She supports our feet as we walk about upon her. ✨ We give thanks to all the waters of the world for quenching our thirst & providing us with strength. WATER IS LIFE. ✨With one mind, we turn to honor all the Food Plants we harvest from the garden. Since the beginning of time, the grains, vegetables, beans and berries have helped the people & animals survive. ✨Now we turn to all the Medicine herbs of the world. From the beginning they were instructed to take away sickness. They are always waiting & ready to heal us. ✨We gather our minds together to send greetings & thanks to all the Animal life in the world. They have many things to teach us as people. ✨We now turn our gratitude to the Trees and plant life. Some provide us with shelter & shade, others with fruit, beauty & other useful things✨We are all thankful to the powers we know as the Four Winds. We hear their voices in the moving air as they refresh us & purify the air we breathe. ✨Now we turn to the west where our grandfathers, the Thunder Beings, live. With lightning and thundering voices, they bring with them the water that renews life. ✨We now send greetings and thanks to our eldest Brother, the Sun. Each day without fail he travels the sky from east to west, bringing the light of a new day. ✨We put our minds together to give thanks to our oldest Grandmother, the Moon, who lights the night-time sky. She is the leader of woman all over the world & she governs the movement of the ocean tides. ✨We give thanks to the Stars who are spread across the sky like jewelry. We see them in the night, helping the Moon to light the darkness & when we travel at night, they guide us home. ✨We gather our minds to greet & thank the enlightened Teachers who have come to help throughout the ages. When we forget how to live in harmony, they remind us of the way we were instructed to live as people. ✨Now we turn our thoughts to the creator & send greetings and thanks for all the gifts of Creation. Everything we need to live a good life is here on this Mother Earth. ✨Now our minds are one. 🙏🌙🌞✨🌍



The largest full moon we've had in the last 70 years, brings with it unrivaled intensity and celestial gifts. ✨ Be open to receiving the many blessings it bears as well as keeping your eyes open to the truths that will be unfolding in the next couple of days. 🌕 Full moons bring everything to a culmination but mostly shed light on what we need to see to move forward with the next chapters of our life. There is no denying the divide and pain we feel in our nation today. Use this time in mediation to see the truth, align with what resonates with your higher self, and recalibrate towards unity, peace, love and compassion. Sat Nam 🙏




 “There are many beings who want

Enlightenment in a man’s body,

but no one wants to be helpful

to the sentient beings

in a female body.

So, until Samsara will be empty,

I will help sentient beings

Remaining in a woman’s body!”

And so she vowed, “I have developed

bodhicitta as a woman. For all my lifetimes

along the path I vow to be born as a woman,

and in my final lifetime when I attain

Buddhahood, then, too, I will be a woman.”



Today I write this on a more sober note, having had the night and full day to process my earthly emotions. I wonder how many of us went to bed with fear in our hearts. I wonder how many of us woke up in disbelief. I wonder how many of us drove to work crying like I did.  We stood up to protect values that we cherished such as love, hope, unity, decency, compassion, fairness and tolerance. We stood up to protect our planet and all that is precious to us. It is a mourning process we are all going through and we must make time for that in the most positive way possible by continuing to be the decent people that we are hoping to see on the planet. To be the change we are hoping to seek. To love all and especially those we can’t imagine to love in this moment. To shine light where there is darkness and be the light.

As I struggle with my own earthly emotions battling lower energies of fear and despair I see where my work lies.  Know that all of this has come up to be healed. If Hillary had won we would've gone along believing that we had worked through our racism, sexism, & bigotry and that we were truly moving forward in our evolution. This is a wakeup call for all of us. We need to see the cancer to heal it. We have been given a diagnosis. But it is this awareness that allows us to fight back & not sit in apathy.

When you feel despair remember that 250 million Americans did NOT vote for him. Out of those that did, most were scared for their own needs & others bought into the promises because they couldn’t wait for change. This leaves a small minority that may indeed connect to his divisive and hateful values. He is one cancer cell & while there may be more as a result of this situation, when we look at the larger collective whole that is good, know that TOGETHER we have the power to shift our reality back in the direction of love and true healing. Together we are stronger. How can we unite & come together as people that have love and truth in our hearts and continue our evolution as human beings? Where do we have to be more active? Who do we have to continue to protect? Whose voice do we need to be? Where can give more love? Love is always the answer.