
June's full moon in Sagittarius will be bringing blessings and lessons simultaneously. Saturn, the taskmaster, is copiloting the celestial skies during this full moon bringing our attention to what we need to focus on in order to reach our highest destinies. Whatever karmic lessons we have not yet learned, will be surfacing to guide us to our ultimate destination. However, it will be done with ease and grace as the energies surrounding this transition are gentle. What chapters in your life do you need to close in order to open new doors? Where have you been slacking off and how can you apply yourself more in order to live your highest truth?

Sagittarius energy is expansive and optimistic and urges us to dream with big intentions for the future. Take some time tonight to meditate on the future that you would like to create for yourself as you will be supported by the lucky archer. So get set, ready and aim at the stars. Write down a piece of paper what you would like to bring into your life and let it bathe in the moon's light overnight. May you be blessed with love, joy and abundance. Happy full moon to all. ๐Ÿ™๐ŸŒ•๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿนโœจ



The New Moon in Gemini happens to be the strongest super moon of the year, therefore it holds a great deal power for positive change and transformation in our lives. It's aim is to guide us to specifically focus on our thoughts and how we have been communicating to ourselves, to others and to the world.

Every thought, positive or negative, has the power to manifest in our lives. As soon as a thought is sent out into the field it has a live vibrational energy that is set into motion. Our negative self talk or ruminations also have the same properties creating self fulfilling procephies that we did not intend to manifest.

Mastering the negative mind and connecting to neutrality is the key to happiness and abundance and the mastery of life. During this powerful and fertile time of the moon, I find it helpful to reprogram the mind with mantras and meditations to clear the subconsicous of negative thought flow and sow seeds of positive and life affirming energies.

A powerful mantra to chant is Ong Sohung which affirms that you are one with all that is and connects you back to your powers. The negative mind has a strong sense of longing to belong, and this manra will help soothe and create a deep connected relationship. It is the mantra of belonging. My favorite version is by Snatam Kaur.

Additinally for an easy and super clearing meditation to conquer the negative mind check out the meditation below given by Yogi Bhajan:



Sit in easy cross-legged pose. Make a cup with your two hands with palms facing up. The right hand will be resting on top of the left and the fingers will cross over each other. Bring this open cup at the level of the heart center. Elbows will be relaxed at your side and eyes slightly open looking down into the hands.

Inhale deeply in long steady stroke though the nostril and exhale through rounded lips through the mouth. You should feel your breath go over the hands. Allow any negative thought, rumination or obssession that is persistently distracting to come to your mind as you breathe. Consciously see the thought forms being released as you exhale.

Continue for 11 to 31 minutes. At the end, inhale deep, then exhale completely and suspend the breath out as you lock in the navel point. Tighten your fully body for a few seconds and then powerfully exhale. Repeat this last step 3 times.

Feel free to contact me with any questions.

New Moon blessings to all ๐ŸŒ™๐Ÿ’–โœจ๐Ÿ™



A tantric necklace is not just another piece of jewelry or mala but a tool for spiritual awakening that has long been used by yogic masters of all traditions. It enhances meditations, opens the third eye, brings mystical powers, prosperity, countless blessings and increases one's consciousness. The longer you wear it, the more its powers become interwowen into your auric field.

Tantric necklaces are composed of powerful geometric shapes each vibrating a specific part of creation and resonating a sovereign vibratory frequency wihtin their design and stone selection. The wearer benefits as the aura of the tantric necklace is interwoven with the aura of the wearer thereby strengthening, purifiying and protecting their energetic field.

Giangeet the creator and designer of @satamber has some of the most incredible and high vibrational pieces that I've yet come across and will also do custom designs based on your needs. I just recently purchased a beautiful piece that I love and adore and can't wait to add more to my collection with other gem stones that I want to work with. If you've been looking for a beautiful "mala" look no further than Sat Amber (link below) for a highly charged and powerful necklace. She also infuses each piece with a sacred mantra to bring additional magic into your life. Giangeet is an absolute angel on earth and her beautiful and loving energy is felt within each piece. โœจ๐Ÿ“ฟโœจ



This friendly Aquarius New Moon will be bringing up issues around humanity, community and how we can come together in a revolutionary way to bring peace and unity back into our collective consciousness. To heal the world, we must start with ourselves first. During this new moon ๐ŸŒ™ bring your intentions towards creating deep peace within yourself. Take responsibility for your feelings and neutralize your negative emotions so you can have the power to mobilize for the upcoming revolution in the months ahead with a clear mind and heart. We are just being shown by the planets where the injustices may lie and uncovering the truths.Observe, process, heal and intend to combat and resist as a peaceful warrior.

This energy is further supported by the year Fire Rooster starting tomorrow which is the year of awakening. The Rooster literally sings the morning "wake up" call to all other animals. Expect a much needed awakening for all of those that are set to remember their full potential as infinite divine beings.

This is not a time to sit back idly and let life happen to you. This is the time to intend to be the change and plant seeds of a transformative future for humanity that is inclusive, loving, and full of grace. โœจ๐Ÿ™๐ŸŒ™ 



My whole life I've been super intune with the energy world, thus I can be incredibly sensitive to the energy of the news, my intimate circle, how people treat each other or animals and the many struggles of people in different parts of the world. No matter your personal sensitivity to your energetic field, there is an undeniable web that connects us all. We are currently navigating unchartered waters as a collective and it is easy to tune in to the negative frequencies of fear, worry and toxic situations and people.

Our energy is the key to our happiness, prosperity and all the abundance in the universe and thus must be protected at all costs. During these sensitive times, be more aware of emotions that come up for you around certain people, situations (i.e. watching the news), or even what you are eating or drinking. If negative emotions arise, know that you are tunning in to wider energetic grid around you and it is sending you a signal to switch the channel so to speak. Do not feel bad about cutting ties with people that deplete your energy or do not inspire you to rise. Be vigilant about eating a healthy and clean diet and eliminating processed, refined and toxic foods. Check your thoughts often and make sure you are on the love channel as opposed to fear, worry or lack.

Most importantly I find that a consistent meditation practice that helps you connect to a neutral mind is key to surfing the energetic waves of our current web. Make it a daily practice to tune in, connect to your guides and angels, and the wisdom within you. Ask for help and protection from the celestial realm and know that you are not alone.

If you feel yourself stuck in the muck of lower vibrations, silently or aloud affirm the following mantra; "I now release anything that no longer serves me", and visualize the energy of the situation or person leaving your field. When we are tuned in to the higher frequencies of love, happiness, peace, and compassion we can help heal all others around us as well. #weareallone ๐Ÿ’–