
Despite what chaos is happening in the world, we have the wisdom within us to heal ourselves & the planet. Sadness & despair, while easy in such circumstances, serves nothing. Instead, use the energy to transcend these unthinkable atrocities & catalyze your grief into a powerful agent of change & healing the world.

This is part of the beautiful Twin Heart Meditation by Master Chao Ko Sui for universal consciousness. Even a 5 minute practice can help shift your energy & thereby affecting change on the whole planet. Sit in easy pose with legs crossed & spine straight. Breathe in & out long and deep for a couple of minutes. To activate your heart energy center, press the center of your chest & concentrate on it for a few seconds. Now recall the most pleasant feeling that you have ever experienced in your entire life. For example, a feeling of love, of kindness, peace & joy. You may have felt this when you have given yourself in service to others, or shared yourself with your friends, or when you look at your animals, children or, maybe when you fell in love. You are now going to share this feeling of kindness with the entire planet earth. Visualize in front of your chest a small planet earth, as small as a ball one inch in diameter. Imagine the pinkish light from the heart energy center going to the earth and enveloping it with love & kindness & bless all the needy people on earth with a new hope for a better world. 💖🙏🌎

Smile at this planet earth and mentally say this prayer of Saint Francis of Assisi:


Lord, make me an instrument of thy peace!

Where there is hatred, I may bring love.

Where there is wrong, I may bring the spirit of forgiveness.

Where there is discord, I may bring harmony.

Where there is error, I may bring truth.

Where there is doubt, I may bring faith.

Where there is despair, I may bring hope.

Where there are shadows, I may bring light.

Where there is sadness, I may bring joy.

Lord, grant that I may seek rather to comfort, than to be comforted.

To understand, than to be understood.

To love, than to be loved.

For it is by self-forgetting that one finds.

It is by forgiving that one is forgiven.

It is by dying that one awakens to Eternal Life.

~ St. Francis Assisi



The essence of Sat Nam means “truth is my name or truth is my identity” and as a greeting it means “I recognize the divinity within you”. The ultimate truth is not something that can be put into words but is the real heart of who we are as mystical human beings. Our true nature is our divinity and saintliness.  We come from source and are part of source, therefore we are infinitely powerful, limitless and are part of the same cloth.

When we vibrate the sound Sat Nam from the root of our spines through the crown and into the auric field, we are tuning to the sound of the universe and our true essence. The vibration of “Sat” reaches upward the crown into the ethers pulling the vibration of infinity into our awareness, and “Nam” pulls down to the mother earth which creates a manifesting vibration. When the two are connected with this mantra, a direct line runs through the center of the body from the heavens all the way down to middle earth acknowledging the infinite made into manifest.

By chanting or meditating deeply on this mantra you bring into your awareness the truth of  your essence which is part of the creator and can manifest anything that you dream of. Above all it connects you to all other beings on all dimensions creating a sense of oneness. Today more than ever it is important to dissolve the barriers of race, religion, gender and political division. This mantra will work to heal the divides. Don't worry about others. Do the work on you and it will heal the heart of the rest of the world. We are all One and One with the Divine. Enlightenment is knowing this truth.

 “If it is not written in your destiny to be with God and to know higher consciousness, this mantra will engrave it in your destiny.” ~ Yogi Bhajan



This friendly Aquarius New Moon will be bringing up issues around humanity, community and how we can come together in a revolutionary way to bring peace and unity back into our collective consciousness. To heal the world, we must start with ourselves first. During this new moon 🌙 bring your intentions towards creating deep peace within yourself. Take responsibility for your feelings and neutralize your negative emotions so you can have the power to mobilize for the upcoming revolution in the months ahead with a clear mind and heart. We are just being shown by the planets where the injustices may lie and uncovering the truths.Observe, process, heal and intend to combat and resist as a peaceful warrior.

This energy is further supported by the year Fire Rooster starting tomorrow which is the year of awakening. The Rooster literally sings the morning "wake up" call to all other animals. Expect a much needed awakening for all of those that are set to remember their full potential as infinite divine beings.

This is not a time to sit back idly and let life happen to you. This is the time to intend to be the change and plant seeds of a transformative future for humanity that is inclusive, loving, and full of grace. ✨🙏🌙 



My whole life I've been super intune with the energy world, thus I can be incredibly sensitive to the energy of the news, my intimate circle, how people treat each other or animals and the many struggles of people in different parts of the world. No matter your personal sensitivity to your energetic field, there is an undeniable web that connects us all. We are currently navigating unchartered waters as a collective and it is easy to tune in to the negative frequencies of fear, worry and toxic situations and people.

Our energy is the key to our happiness, prosperity and all the abundance in the universe and thus must be protected at all costs. During these sensitive times, be more aware of emotions that come up for you around certain people, situations (i.e. watching the news), or even what you are eating or drinking. If negative emotions arise, know that you are tunning in to wider energetic grid around you and it is sending you a signal to switch the channel so to speak. Do not feel bad about cutting ties with people that deplete your energy or do not inspire you to rise. Be vigilant about eating a healthy and clean diet and eliminating processed, refined and toxic foods. Check your thoughts often and make sure you are on the love channel as opposed to fear, worry or lack.

Most importantly I find that a consistent meditation practice that helps you connect to a neutral mind is key to surfing the energetic waves of our current web. Make it a daily practice to tune in, connect to your guides and angels, and the wisdom within you. Ask for help and protection from the celestial realm and know that you are not alone.

If you feel yourself stuck in the muck of lower vibrations, silently or aloud affirm the following mantra; "I now release anything that no longer serves me", and visualize the energy of the situation or person leaving your field. When we are tuned in to the higher frequencies of love, happiness, peace, and compassion we can help heal all others around us as well. #weareallone 💖



The time has to come to recognize that there is no savior. WE are the saviors… each and every one of us. To shape the future that we all envision for ourselves and the next generations, we need to connect to the deep feminine divine wisdom within ourselves to serve the greater good, to protect and honor life and planetary regeneration. It is said that the world will be saved by a woman. We thought we had an opportunity at that with the last presidential elections. But perhaps it is simply the awakening of the feminine qualities of compassion, deep listening, intuition and inclusivity that have been marginalized for centuries. These qualities are inherent within all of us, women and men alike, and are needed now more than ever to face our current crises caused by the old patriarchal system and bring a radical shift in global inter-connectedness to instill trust and peace in all of our hearts.

It is time for the emergence of a new level of consciousness where the deepest instincts of the heart in both men and women are compassion, healing and a longing to protect all forms of life. It is time to tune to in to our instincts that encourage to nurture rather than destroy, and regenerate rather than deplete.

Developing the divine intelligence within us to be the saviors, requires inner work in order to shed the current paradigm we have adopted, examine beliefs and patterns that constrain us into specific roles to achieve rather than connect.  It is tuning into the feelings and needs of the ‘other’ rather than ‘I’, hearing the hearts guidance to be still rather than ‘busy’, to be the voice for the powerless and to develop courage to stand and speak calmly when your values are abused at work or in your community and to develop a daily practice to care of body, mind and soul.

We are all healers. We just have to heal ourselves first and then step in to help others. ✨🌿💖🙏