
There is a tremendous amount of energy in the celestial realms as the planets shift and form a pentagon in the sky to bring perfect balance as well as a transformative eclipse during this Full Moon in Leo. So much to take in all at once, but the universe is stepping in to make radical changes where we have become stagnant.

Eclipses are generally about swift change and clearing any old energy to place us where we need to be. If something no longer belongs in your life, it will be forced out. That's the power of eclipses. Leo rules the heart which is seat of your soul, therefore relationships will be tested, your life's mission and purpose will be brought to the forefront and you will be guided and supported to shift your life towards your highest path. Buckle up but enjoy the ride as it is all grace and divine intervention.

Furthermore, the Leo Moon energy contrasted with the Aquarius Sun will be forcing us to look at where we may have been neglecting ourselves to take care of others. In order to be of service we need to be full and overflowing and this full moon will be forcing most of us to take some much needed time to go within and stay in self love and self care.

Meditate on all the things that you would like to eradicate from your life to make space for all the bounty and blessings that are waiting for you. Full moon blessings to all 🌕🙏✨



The energy surrounding this Capricorn New Moon, will have most us feeling introspective and reflective about what we have gone through in 2016 and everything that needs to come up for healing once and for all will surface. If you’ve felt like a hermit and wanting to hibernate, you are indeed in tune with the moon’s tides as it beckons us to go inward, retreat and reflect in order to push forward in the weeks ahead.

Many of us have had to face outdated foundations and relationships dissolve but the energy of this new moon will give us the time and space to rethink a more suitable future that is more in line with our spiritual growth and highest destiny.

Capricorn energy is very pragmatic and thoughtful so planning and organizing your routines, goals and ambitions in a practical way that lays the foundation for successful years to come will be supported. With Mercury in retrograde, it is not advised to necessarily start something new but to really take this time to review and reset your vision. Continue to shed that which no longer serves you so you don't take into the new year and create space for the new that awaits.

2016 was about learning to let go and ending things that no longer serve our highest good. If you want a fresh start for 2017 as I know many do, this new moon will grant you that wish. So take time right after the New Moon tonight to think up the future you would like to summon. Really imagine who you would like to have walk side by side with you, what do you see yourself doing, where do you see yourself living and what adventures you would like to partake in…

The last New Moon of the year promises a great deal of magical powers to help shift your destiny in the right direction! Wishing you all new moon blessings! 🌙✨



The last full moon of the year promises to be one of the most powerful ones, equipped with a portal that will serve as a fast pass into 2017. For those that have been doing the work or are ready to fully undress and leave behind all of the muck, negative thought patterns and habits that we have all collectively accumulated, this is going to be a welcoming energy into a new realm of possibilities.

The Gemini Full Moon is about anything that has to do with consciousness, thoughts, communications. 2016 was an incredibly heavy year for the collective and we’ve all had a lot of endings and had to let go of previous ways of thinking and being to connect to new energies calling us in. Use this powerful evening to clear your mind through yoga, meditation, journaling or anything that appeals to you and purge any negative stories/thought streams that you have been holding onto which have hindered your dreams.

An easy technique I like to use around the full moon is writing down everything I would like to clear from my life and then burning it in a safe pot under the full moon. It’s a fun ritual and connects the elements to your purpose thus giving it more fuel. For a more thorough cleansing, use breath work techniques, energy healings, mantra and meditation to fully purge during this powerful moon.

Above all, spend time in self care and nourish yourself with the vibrant energy of the moon and recharge to radiantly walk into the next chapter of your life. 

Full moon blessings to all ✨🙏🌕 



The time has to come to recognize that there is no savior. WE are the saviors… each and every one of us. To shape the future that we all envision for ourselves and the next generations, we need to connect to the deep feminine divine wisdom within ourselves to serve the greater good, to protect and honor life and planetary regeneration. It is said that the world will be saved by a woman. We thought we had an opportunity at that with the last presidential elections. But perhaps it is simply the awakening of the feminine qualities of compassion, deep listening, intuition and inclusivity that have been marginalized for centuries. These qualities are inherent within all of us, women and men alike, and are needed now more than ever to face our current crises caused by the old patriarchal system and bring a radical shift in global inter-connectedness to instill trust and peace in all of our hearts.

It is time for the emergence of a new level of consciousness where the deepest instincts of the heart in both men and women are compassion, healing and a longing to protect all forms of life. It is time to tune to in to our instincts that encourage to nurture rather than destroy, and regenerate rather than deplete.

Developing the divine intelligence within us to be the saviors, requires inner work in order to shed the current paradigm we have adopted, examine beliefs and patterns that constrain us into specific roles to achieve rather than connect.  It is tuning into the feelings and needs of the ‘other’ rather than ‘I’, hearing the hearts guidance to be still rather than ‘busy’, to be the voice for the powerless and to develop courage to stand and speak calmly when your values are abused at work or in your community and to develop a daily practice to care of body, mind and soul.

We are all healers. We just have to heal ourselves first and then step in to help others. ✨🌿💖🙏



Today I write this on a more sober note, having had the night and full day to process my earthly emotions. I wonder how many of us went to bed with fear in our hearts. I wonder how many of us woke up in disbelief. I wonder how many of us drove to work crying like I did.  We stood up to protect values that we cherished such as love, hope, unity, decency, compassion, fairness and tolerance. We stood up to protect our planet and all that is precious to us. It is a mourning process we are all going through and we must make time for that in the most positive way possible by continuing to be the decent people that we are hoping to see on the planet. To be the change we are hoping to seek. To love all and especially those we can’t imagine to love in this moment. To shine light where there is darkness and be the light.

As I struggle with my own earthly emotions battling lower energies of fear and despair I see where my work lies.  Know that all of this has come up to be healed. If Hillary had won we would've gone along believing that we had worked through our racism, sexism, & bigotry and that we were truly moving forward in our evolution. This is a wakeup call for all of us. We need to see the cancer to heal it. We have been given a diagnosis. But it is this awareness that allows us to fight back & not sit in apathy.

When you feel despair remember that 250 million Americans did NOT vote for him. Out of those that did, most were scared for their own needs & others bought into the promises because they couldn’t wait for change. This leaves a small minority that may indeed connect to his divisive and hateful values. He is one cancer cell & while there may be more as a result of this situation, when we look at the larger collective whole that is good, know that TOGETHER we have the power to shift our reality back in the direction of love and true healing. Together we are stronger. How can we unite & come together as people that have love and truth in our hearts and continue our evolution as human beings? Where do we have to be more active? Who do we have to continue to protect? Whose voice do we need to be? Where can give more love? Love is always the answer.