
The largest full moon we've had in the last 70 years, brings with it unrivaled intensity and celestial gifts. ✨ Be open to receiving the many blessings it bears as well as keeping your eyes open to the truths that will be unfolding in the next couple of days. 🌕 Full moons bring everything to a culmination but mostly shed light on what we need to see to move forward with the next chapters of our life. There is no denying the divide and pain we feel in our nation today. Use this time in mediation to see the truth, align with what resonates with your higher self, and recalibrate towards unity, peace, love and compassion. Sat Nam 🙏




Today I write this on a more sober note, having had the night and full day to process my earthly emotions. I wonder how many of us went to bed with fear in our hearts. I wonder how many of us woke up in disbelief. I wonder how many of us drove to work crying like I did.  We stood up to protect values that we cherished such as love, hope, unity, decency, compassion, fairness and tolerance. We stood up to protect our planet and all that is precious to us. It is a mourning process we are all going through and we must make time for that in the most positive way possible by continuing to be the decent people that we are hoping to see on the planet. To be the change we are hoping to seek. To love all and especially those we can’t imagine to love in this moment. To shine light where there is darkness and be the light.

As I struggle with my own earthly emotions battling lower energies of fear and despair I see where my work lies.  Know that all of this has come up to be healed. If Hillary had won we would've gone along believing that we had worked through our racism, sexism, & bigotry and that we were truly moving forward in our evolution. This is a wakeup call for all of us. We need to see the cancer to heal it. We have been given a diagnosis. But it is this awareness that allows us to fight back & not sit in apathy.

When you feel despair remember that 250 million Americans did NOT vote for him. Out of those that did, most were scared for their own needs & others bought into the promises because they couldn’t wait for change. This leaves a small minority that may indeed connect to his divisive and hateful values. He is one cancer cell & while there may be more as a result of this situation, when we look at the larger collective whole that is good, know that TOGETHER we have the power to shift our reality back in the direction of love and true healing. Together we are stronger. How can we unite & come together as people that have love and truth in our hearts and continue our evolution as human beings? Where do we have to be more active? Who do we have to continue to protect? Whose voice do we need to be? Where can give more love? Love is always the answer.



Once in a life time if you are lucky, you are blessed with a great teacher that will help you see the world in a way you have never imagined it. He will unravel all the untruths you have told yourself, help you find your essence and connect you back to your infinite source.

I feel it is by the grace of God and Guru that I have found in my teacher, the most honorable man I have ever known, so that I can have a holy example of the divine masculine archetype in my life. A family man, married to his wife for over 30 years whom he cherishes like the first day they met, a loving father to his beautiful children, a caring teacher that goes above and beyond the call of duty always and the most devout man to his faith and above all service to all.

Through his example, I have learned and come to love the teachings of Guru Ram Das on how to be a better human being. I have learned to strive everyday to touch people’s hearts with my words and deeds, to uplift and serve all, to pray and bless all whom I encounter and how these things are the true measure of my success.

Siri Marka told me once that we met in this life for one reason only and that is so he can bring me to house of Guru Ram Das and introduce me to my true angel in this life. These teachings have changed my life, brought so much peace and happiness, and hope for the future.

Healer to healers, beloved teacher and the most wonderful life coach, Siri Marka, is one of a kind and one of the most treasured living reflections of our great master’s teachings. Guru Ram Das' teaching are alive for me through the purity of his heart and presence. I am beyond grateful to have found my way back home to my true angel through Siri Marka.

Today and every day I celebrate Guru Ram Das and am thankful for all my living teachers that have helped me find the path of love, compassion and service through Guru Ram Das' teachings which have touched so many hearts and transformed them into pure light and love. 💖✨ We are the lucky ones. 💖✨

"You shall meet a spiritual teacher. That's the law of white light. When life was granted to you, this was granted with it. You ignore it or you make it." ~Siri Singh Sahib, Yogi Bhajan



There are some meditations that relax you, others that entrance you, while some completely transport you to other realms and allow you to make quantum shifts in your life. I've been practicing the Sudarshan Chakra meditation for some time now and the effects have been nothing short of magic.

Whenever you want to manifest anything in your life do this meditation! It's powerful and it works! Why? Because you are taking a sacred #mantra, moving it through your heart center, which has the power of 108 suns, with powerful sound frequency and going up into the angelic realms communicating your heartfelt desires and then back into your heart center visualizing it as manifested ✨Boom ✨ Does it get more magical?

Start with 11 minutes a day and see the #magic unfold in your life for yourself.


“Aap Sahaaee Hoaa…"

mentally see the #soundcurrent flowing from your back heart and going over your head

“Sachay Daa Sachaa Dhoaa…”

see the current expanding up to the angelic realm and asking for your heart's desires

“Har Har Har”

Bring the energy from the infinite down into your heart center beaming the heart with your vision visualized 💖


For added measure, I loop White Sun's version of Aap Sahaae Hoa as it is beyond alchemy. Gurujas' angelic voice literally summons the celestial realms and makes the journey timeless. I own thousands of songs and nothing has touched my soul as deep as this album. It is no doubt engineered to transmit light codes meant to awaken dormant aspects of your DNA and consciousness to align you with the highest vibrational frequencies on the planet ✨ No wonder it is topping billboard charts at #2 right now. 🙌 Download and be transformed.  ✨

For full meditation notes and instructions email me and I'll forward. 🙏 Wahe Guru ✨



A powerful new moon and solar eclipse is upon us tomorrow and in order to be reap the benefits this new cycle, any last baggage has to go. Eclipses are the most life altering transits we can experience. They bring major change, endings, beginnings, burning and purifying with them.

During this time we will be challenged, may feel weak or discouraged. It's also a time where all of our insecurities and confusions come to surface to be wiped clean. Eclipses want us to change and grow into our potential. It's important to go into them with a clean heart.

An eclipse occurs when the sun (the self) is obscured by the moon (feelings and emotions). The moon goes right into the heart of the sun. This eclipse then burns through the ego to get to the heart of the matter and consciousness.

Anything that we have been holding onto that no longer serves us will fade away. Whether that be people, circumstances or limiting and negative patterns of thinking and behaving.

The best thing you can do right now is stay in deep meditation and forgive anyone and any situation that has challenged you. If you don't you are holding yourself back from this potent energy that is waiting to shift your life into another level in the matrix.

Envision the person, thing or situation that has challenged you lately and BLESS them. See them/the situation surrounded by the warmth of the sun, the love of the universe and the light of the moon. Put this beautiful prayer all around them, then put it around anyone else you think may need the blessing and then lastly around yourself. We all need the extra support right now.

"May the long time sun shine upon you, all love surround you, and the pure light within you guide your way on."

New moon and eclipse blessings to all ✨🙏