
During this Solar Eclipse and New Moon if we courageously open our hearts and choose love despite our fears, we will be rewarded with more opportunities to give and receive love. Eclipses affect the earth’s electromagnetic field which has an effect on everything including human beings. They are planetary upgrades that force us into new paradigms and higher frequencies so we can connect to our true source. You can go through it kicking and screaming because eclipses can be emotional and shocking to the system or you can do the work to raise your frequency along with the celestial shifts.

I’ve been feeling the eclipse quite intensely these past couple of days already so I’ve entrenched myself deep in my practice of yoga, meditation and spending a great deal of time releasing through the heart center with heavy breath work. If we work with the energies of the eclipses, we can have profound healing to move through our emotional injuries, nourishing the unloved aspects of ourselves and embracing forgiveness, compassion and love for others and ourselves.

The highly intuitive and emotional New Moon in Pisces and eclipse together will work to help us let go of old trauma and painful wounds and reminding us to release control, breathe deeply and have faith that the universe will guide us through these turbulent waters. All you have to do is surrender and be an empty vessel so that you can be filled up with the new shower of loving energy coming through. Once we are attuned to the universe’s healing loving energy, we will only be a magnet for others that are on the same frequency as us. New Moon and eclipse blessings to all. 🌙✨🌔



An emotional full moon is in store for us tonight as the moon shines in the watery and sensitive sign of Cancer. If you find yourself overly emotional during this time, go easy on yourself and know that it may not fully be yours as the collective is affected in the same way and you may be picking that up. It is however a great time to sit with your feelings and emotions to process and release what you no longer want to carry with you into the next 12 months.

This first full moon is also forming a Grand Cardinal formation which tends to build high amounts of tension to test the strength of what needs to stay and what needs to fall to the way side. Pay attention to what comes up for you  in your relationships, work or habits and where your housecleaning lies. This is an additional lever extended to us by the universe to cut out what no longer serves our frequencies.

A renewed powerful energy of number 10, which is in essence number 1, is also upon us this year magnifying our strengths and initiating new beginnings. Do you feel hopeful about 2017? Despite the chaos of the political system, most everyone I speak with feels that this year will be a promising year for all. It is primarily because we are in the midst of experiencing a renewal of our DNA and magnetic fields as a result of the celestial configurations since the year began. Do the work on your own with yoga, meditation, pranayam, energy healings and keeping your thoughts positive so you can stay in the current of the higher vibrations offered to us at this time. Full moon blessings to all 🌝✨



The energy surrounding this Capricorn New Moon, will have most us feeling introspective and reflective about what we have gone through in 2016 and everything that needs to come up for healing once and for all will surface. If you’ve felt like a hermit and wanting to hibernate, you are indeed in tune with the moon’s tides as it beckons us to go inward, retreat and reflect in order to push forward in the weeks ahead.

Many of us have had to face outdated foundations and relationships dissolve but the energy of this new moon will give us the time and space to rethink a more suitable future that is more in line with our spiritual growth and highest destiny.

Capricorn energy is very pragmatic and thoughtful so planning and organizing your routines, goals and ambitions in a practical way that lays the foundation for successful years to come will be supported. With Mercury in retrograde, it is not advised to necessarily start something new but to really take this time to review and reset your vision. Continue to shed that which no longer serves you so you don't take into the new year and create space for the new that awaits.

2016 was about learning to let go and ending things that no longer serve our highest good. If you want a fresh start for 2017 as I know many do, this new moon will grant you that wish. So take time right after the New Moon tonight to think up the future you would like to summon. Really imagine who you would like to have walk side by side with you, what do you see yourself doing, where do you see yourself living and what adventures you would like to partake in…

The last New Moon of the year promises a great deal of magical powers to help shift your destiny in the right direction! Wishing you all new moon blessings! 🌙✨



The last full moon of the year promises to be one of the most powerful ones, equipped with a portal that will serve as a fast pass into 2017. For those that have been doing the work or are ready to fully undress and leave behind all of the muck, negative thought patterns and habits that we have all collectively accumulated, this is going to be a welcoming energy into a new realm of possibilities.

The Gemini Full Moon is about anything that has to do with consciousness, thoughts, communications. 2016 was an incredibly heavy year for the collective and we’ve all had a lot of endings and had to let go of previous ways of thinking and being to connect to new energies calling us in. Use this powerful evening to clear your mind through yoga, meditation, journaling or anything that appeals to you and purge any negative stories/thought streams that you have been holding onto which have hindered your dreams.

An easy technique I like to use around the full moon is writing down everything I would like to clear from my life and then burning it in a safe pot under the full moon. It’s a fun ritual and connects the elements to your purpose thus giving it more fuel. For a more thorough cleansing, use breath work techniques, energy healings, mantra and meditation to fully purge during this powerful moon.

Above all, spend time in self care and nourish yourself with the vibrant energy of the moon and recharge to radiantly walk into the next chapter of your life. 

Full moon blessings to all ✨🙏🌕 



A powerful new moon and solar eclipse is upon us tomorrow and in order to be reap the benefits this new cycle, any last baggage has to go. Eclipses are the most life altering transits we can experience. They bring major change, endings, beginnings, burning and purifying with them.

During this time we will be challenged, may feel weak or discouraged. It's also a time where all of our insecurities and confusions come to surface to be wiped clean. Eclipses want us to change and grow into our potential. It's important to go into them with a clean heart.

An eclipse occurs when the sun (the self) is obscured by the moon (feelings and emotions). The moon goes right into the heart of the sun. This eclipse then burns through the ego to get to the heart of the matter and consciousness.

Anything that we have been holding onto that no longer serves us will fade away. Whether that be people, circumstances or limiting and negative patterns of thinking and behaving.

The best thing you can do right now is stay in deep meditation and forgive anyone and any situation that has challenged you. If you don't you are holding yourself back from this potent energy that is waiting to shift your life into another level in the matrix.

Envision the person, thing or situation that has challenged you lately and BLESS them. See them/the situation surrounded by the warmth of the sun, the love of the universe and the light of the moon. Put this beautiful prayer all around them, then put it around anyone else you think may need the blessing and then lastly around yourself. We all need the extra support right now.

"May the long time sun shine upon you, all love surround you, and the pure light within you guide your way on."

New moon and eclipse blessings to all ✨🙏