
This new moon in Taurus will help us all slow down a bit more, get grounded and breathe. There are lots of retrogrades still in the skies and they are there to pull back the reigns when we collectively skip over some lessons without fully understanding their purpose. This is the time to be more reflective and methodical in your life and re-examining the past to fully learn the lessons and healing. ✨

Taurus energy is slow and planning to create more security and stability for the long haul. Don't rush into any decisions, plans or try to hurry to the finish line. The celestial energies are urging us to find roots instead of wings in these weeks ahead. The past is coming up to be reexamined, forgiven, healed and put behind you. Take the time to close the chapters that no longer belong in your life so that you can have a fresh start with the new moon energy. A great ceremony to have around this time is to write down and burn all that you would like to give to the universe to absolve for you specifically energetic cords that bind us to past relationships. ✨

We form energetic cords that keep us connected to all of our past relationships especially the ones that were traumatic. The cords can still remain in our heart centers keeping us bound to lower vibrations of fear, betrayal and abandonment that we carry into our subsequent relationships and thus unknowingly continuing the cycle. Tonight create a scared space for yourself, call in your guides and angels (Archangel Michael is a great one to call in for this ceremony) and simply write down "I now cut and release all cords that bind me psychically, emotionally, or energetically to (name of person)". Then burn the piece of paper under the dark moon. It helps to visualize the cords being cut by physically moving your arms cutting the cords in front of your energy centers focusing on heart, throat, naval and sacral centers primarily. ✨

Please note, simply cutting cords is not enough without also being aware of the emotional pattern contained within the cord. So take the time to fully understand it, replace it with the energetic vibrations of unconditional love, light and compassion. Whenever we release something we need to fill the space with something positive in order to not be corded again by different people.  May this new moon pave the way for new blessings, clear hearts and loving relationships 💖✨🙏🌸



A tantric necklace is not just another piece of jewelry or mala but a tool for spiritual awakening that has long been used by yogic masters of all traditions. It enhances meditations, opens the third eye, brings mystical powers, prosperity, countless blessings and increases one's consciousness. The longer you wear it, the more its powers become interwowen into your auric field.

Tantric necklaces are composed of powerful geometric shapes each vibrating a specific part of creation and resonating a sovereign vibratory frequency wihtin their design and stone selection. The wearer benefits as the aura of the tantric necklace is interwoven with the aura of the wearer thereby strengthening, purifiying and protecting their energetic field.

Giangeet the creator and designer of @satamber has some of the most incredible and high vibrational pieces that I've yet come across and will also do custom designs based on your needs. I just recently purchased a beautiful piece that I love and adore and can't wait to add more to my collection with other gem stones that I want to work with. If you've been looking for a beautiful "mala" look no further than Sat Amber (link below) for a highly charged and powerful necklace. She also infuses each piece with a sacred mantra to bring additional magic into your life. Giangeet is an absolute angel on earth and her beautiful and loving energy is felt within each piece. ✨📿✨



The first full moon of spring is a reflection of all of nature coming to bloom and an abundance of flowers blooming everywhere even in the deserts. Tonight, simply allow yourself to feel the moon’s energy so you may see similar changes in your own life. The Pink full moon in Libra tonight is a portal to love and heart opening. It's a time to believe in fairy tales and enchanted romance. Venus has been in retrograde since last month and if you were able to learn the lessons she had to teach about conquering your fears, self love and surrender then you are primed to enjoy the benefits of this full moon's energy and step into the next level towards sacred and divine unions in all of your relationships. Joy and abundance will also be blooming so you can breathe with more ease going forward.

After a couple intense weeks of darkness, Mother Moon will be wrapping us all in sheets of loving energy and light. Allow yourself to release old wounds, be open to love and renewal. Spend some time in yoga, meditation or journaling visualizing exactly the kind of future and relationship that will support your soul's mission on this planet.

Full moon blessings to all 🙏✨🌕💖🌸✨



During this Solar Eclipse and New Moon if we courageously open our hearts and choose love despite our fears, we will be rewarded with more opportunities to give and receive love. Eclipses affect the earth’s electromagnetic field which has an effect on everything including human beings. They are planetary upgrades that force us into new paradigms and higher frequencies so we can connect to our true source. You can go through it kicking and screaming because eclipses can be emotional and shocking to the system or you can do the work to raise your frequency along with the celestial shifts.

I’ve been feeling the eclipse quite intensely these past couple of days already so I’ve entrenched myself deep in my practice of yoga, meditation and spending a great deal of time releasing through the heart center with heavy breath work. If we work with the energies of the eclipses, we can have profound healing to move through our emotional injuries, nourishing the unloved aspects of ourselves and embracing forgiveness, compassion and love for others and ourselves.

The highly intuitive and emotional New Moon in Pisces and eclipse together will work to help us let go of old trauma and painful wounds and reminding us to release control, breathe deeply and have faith that the universe will guide us through these turbulent waters. All you have to do is surrender and be an empty vessel so that you can be filled up with the new shower of loving energy coming through. Once we are attuned to the universe’s healing loving energy, we will only be a magnet for others that are on the same frequency as us. New Moon and eclipse blessings to all. 🌙✨🌔



When I sit in my practice and root myself onto the beautiful earth that sustains me, I am grateful for the chance to slow down and dive deep within. I listen to my heart beat, feel the air in my lungs, the blood running through my veins, and contemplate the truth in the spaces between my breaths. I acknowledge my fears, worries, doubts and remind myself that I am part of the creator thus beyond limits and connect back to my source and all of creation.  I take inventory of the day, my triumphs and failures, the moments that brought me pride, joy, happiness and even sadness. I sit with them all in gratitude for I know that I chose this life, this body, this story and every moment is grace. With every breath I am thankful for the gift of life and to live in a healthy body that I am able to use as a vehicle for enlightenment remembering that I chose to forget my ultimate powers in order to play this game of life. I am limited only by my mind and I chose to remember. ✨ Sat Nam